You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2010.

Heron looking for breakfast - Puget Sound, August 09

I do, really.  Standing overlooking things, wondering what is just below the surface.  For me, in years past, the “water”  below the surface was clouded so darkly that it was impossible to know what was coming.  Now, life is in better order, not easier order on some levels, but more obvious.  My sister is doing very well, mom’s back is healing.  My son is busy being himself 🙂  Me ?  I am sorting, tossing, writing, enjoying my horses and goats and chickens ….cats and life.

Our friend Carol and family are jetting off to the islands soon – escaping the crush that the Olympics bring to their city.  I was thinking about that – going from what is now comfortable hovering around freezing for the high temp, to go to the islands.  I would suffer culture shock once again no doubt.  One day I may venture there.  Or go on a cruise.  But for now, I am happy here, getting the next step in order.  Writing, family, critters.  Not always in that order, but enjoyable nonetheless.

It is blue skies here today, icy, some crunchy snow. 

Enjoy your day !

No, not me.  I am still in the high country of desert and snow.  This is just a gorgeous shot though.  A fellow that I have met several times is on one of the LA based daytime dramas……..and he is on the “Soap Cruise” that fans participate in.  He was so happy to be going, and I grabbed this photo from his Twitter feed.  His name is Christian LeBlanc.  This was leaving Miami.   Makes me wish I were there too !  NO SNOW ON THE GROUND !  **  sighs **  Oh well.  You can follow Christian at CJLeBlanc on Twitter if you are so inclined 🙂

It was actually warmer yesterday, just above freezing for the most part when I was outside working it seemed.  Looking forward to spring of course. 

Best get moving, been busy with family and writing of course 🙂

Enjoy your day !

Happy Birthday Mom !

I am taking dinner over, and made a chocolate chocolate chip cake with scratch buttercream chocolate icing 🙂  Who needs dinner with that in the house  ? VBG !

Hope everyone has had a good Sunday – trying to snow here again…..

With sunrises like this who needs electricity ?

Well, we do, especially if one wants to blog – or upload photos.  We have had a series of outages,  and while that puts a stop to all things electric, including having water, at least we have our woodstove to keep us warm.  The weather here is challenging, tough to live in at times.  I look forward to once again living in a milder climate.  Whine whine whine.  Ok, enough of that.

Today, on the horse racing front, on a good note, Barbaro’s brother Lentanor broke his maiden on the turf yesterday.  Their owners, the Jacksons also released the sad news, that the filly foal that Barbaro’s dam was carrying was lost.  Sometimes mares just lose foals.  This mare is getting older and it can begin to become a pattern, be it hormonal or structural.  A sad day for the legions of Barbaro fans, but having the brother win yesterday takes a tiny bit of the sting out of the sad news.  Life goes on though….

A female  labrador dog is to be reunited today with her owner.  An older dog, she ran off after deer.  The deer apparently took exception to this and whacked the dog a good one, gashing her side and giving her a lot of bruising.  She appeared at a house of a friend of mine, a nurse, who took her to the vet (who stitched her up), then the shelter.  My friend who is the a/c officer and runs the shelter told me about her – and asked me to listen this am to  our local radio show that people go on to sell things or look for lost pets at times.  I heard the owner looking for  her dog on the air and called her – she was overjoyed to hear her dog was going to be ok.  The dog was a nice girl, she went to  my friend, then right into her house and laid on her own dog’s bed by the fire.  Quite a character !

My wild white cat Kona was injured several days ago, getting caught on a piece of plastic chicken wire that was tacked securely on a post.  How she did it I have no idea.  All I know is that I found her in time, and while a wild WILD cat, she lay still while I cut her loose…..her ligaments in her “wrist” are hurt and hopefully will heal ok.  Poor girl.  She went right under the house, and I have seen her once, and the food I leave for her is eaten.  After surviving the coyote or whatever had attacked her before she appeared here a couple of years ago, I know she is one tough little cat. Oh !  She just appeared, and is having her breakfast.  I am glad to see her.

Enjoy your hopefully no more rain or snow Saturday !

Dawn over the nearby lake January 2010

Beautiful way to begin the day – all I had to do was walk outside over the ice covered walkway, over the ice laden grass by the barn and shoot through the power lines 🙂

Enjoy your day all !

How did that happen ?  Where does the time GO ? 

If I weren’t so darn cold in here, I would type lots.  But I can’t, as my woodstove chimney is out of order.  Tomorrow we will disassemble the stovepipes in the living room to see what is up with that.  Lots more cold wet weather coming and I am getting really pissy about being so cold !!!  Funny how today outside was mostly a sweatshirt and no coat……. weather at 40 degrees, but inside, in the morning it was NOT ok to be 48 degrees.  The sun was out today though, and it warmed up the living room to a respectable 58 🙂  Good thing.  I appreciate it.

Anyway, stay warm, enjoy your family and I will check in again once it warms up in here !

Yesterday, while sitting outside talking on the phone to my sister, I observed the clouds doing weird things.  Coming from the mountains, they usually just go right over our place on their way to wherever they go.  Yesterday, they came overhead, turned left, lazed around in a half circle and headed back to the mountains !  Circular ?  Ok then…….I should have grabbed the camera, as they were stark black, then brilliant white, then all shades in between.  Magnificent.  Yesterday night, gale force winds. Rain. Yesterday, sprinkles all day, with those clouds.  Rain last night.  Today, sprinkles, and brilliant sun, and dull gray clouds scudding by.  Never boring here – the locals told us when we first moved her if we didn’t like the weather, wait five minutes.  They were right.

Tonight, it is clear, then cloudy.  The owls have returned each evening, sitting on the stolen hawk nest…….or does it make it the owl nest since they raised their owlet last season there ?  It has kept the hawks away, and as long as the owls leave my cat and chickens alone, they are welcome to stay.  So entertaining to hoot at them, I confuse the Mr.Owl…..he strafed me one evening, looking to see WHAT was hooting at them

Well, tomorrow is another day, hopefully I will get more done than I did today !  Enjoy the evening, and stay warm !

Well, for the first time in 7 years, I managed to just about smoke us out of our own home with the woodstove.  I lit it as I have hundreds of times before.  Tonight it lit, and smoke poured into the room.  Yes the flue was open !!! No, it is not a modern stove.  It was likely installed in 1905 when the house was built.  So……..I had to air out the house three times tonight and I give up, if I could scoop all the embers and partially burned wood out of the stove and dump it in the snow I would……..but I am neither that tricky, lucky or desperate.  It will burn itself out and I will have to get up and close the window that has the window fan in it. It is 65 degrees in the living room WITH THE FAN ON !  Whatever.  I know that the weather affects this at times, and I can tell you that when I opened the window to put the fan in, the wind was quite windy coming in the window. It was over riding the fan, and I had to block off the sides to keep the smoke going OUT.  Whyever this happened, it better forget it for another 7 years !

Hope you are warm and smoke free wherever you are !

See this article.

Love it !  Makes me want to write to this fellow Frank Knight, who is 101 years old !

Ok, off to the mud and hungry horses finally……..enjoy the day !

From mid 2008

Long day, into the big city for a check up for mom’s back first, then some much needed shopping.  Returned in time to feed and check the ranch.  Still need to find dinner……got the woodstove going nicely at least.

The shot above was taken with my Kodak DX6490 in mid 2008.  Beautiful moon !

Today, the elevator in the parking garage in the city was weird…..parked on the second level.  Got in, hit the button for the first level.  Went UP and didn’t notice, got out on the third floor of the structure.  Got to wait in the cold with mom until the thing came back for us.  Went next door to the doctors office.  Up the elevator to the second floor, no problem.  When we left, we got in, I hit the button for the first floor.  The elevator went UP again, to the third floor, then down to the first floor.  Weird I tell you !  Almost got on the highway going to the wrong city too, and I rarely do things like that.  I always have things mapped out in my mind beforehand.  Oh well.  Time for bed and I still need to get dinner for us……hope you all had a good day today !